

The phone rang at 4a.m.

“She’s gone.”

Was it quick?”

“It was… peaceful.”

We could’ve done more.”

“She was ready.”

How could you know that?”

“She told me.”

I’m not ready.”

“You have to let her go.”


Rule of thirds

Each submission to this weekend’s Trifextra starts with the same five words: “The phone rang at 4a.m.” The challenge is to complete the story in only 33 more.

20 thoughts on “Never

    1. That is exactly how I found the gravestone. Based on the dates, the person interred there was in her early 20s. The dolls were an odd decoration. It made me wonder about the person they were meant to memorialize.


  1. Thanks so much for linking up to Trifextra. Remember, this weekend’s entries are being judged by the Trifecta community, so make sure you visit the site at the close of the challenge to vote. Our linking service will not allow you to vote for a link from the same computer where it was submitted, so plan ahead! Voting closes 12 hours after the close of the challenge. Winners will be announced with the Monday post. Hope to see you back then.


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