Out of the Darkness

sun breaking through dark storm clouds

This year my daughter is serving on the Board of Directors for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – Florida Panhandle Chapter. The chapter is holding its annual Out of the Darkness Walk on Sept. 24 at St. Andrews State Park in Panama City. If you have been touched by the loss by suicide of a family member or friend, or if you would like to help raise awareness of mental illness and suicide, and help fund prevention and support programs, please consider donating to this worthy cause. Jess lost a dear friend to suicide several years ago, and I’ve lost a friend too. Know that you are not alone, and that there is help available.

Donations can be made through Jessica’s support page.

Thank you….

One thought on “Out of the Darkness

  1. Thank you. I suffer from severe depression. I have bipolar disorder and major anxiety, and when I had my second child last December, I also suffered from post-partum depression so severe, it turned into post-partum psychosis. It was dangerous. I’m out of the woods now, but it’s terrifying. I feel alone much of the time, like an alien that can’t relate to the humans on this planet, but I know there is help when I need it.

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