Hermit pie

homemade pie crust

Some days I worry that I’m gradually turning into a recluse. There are weeks that I rarely leave my house, even to check the mailbox. (That perk belongs to my son). I do my fill-the-fridge shopping twice a month, and on those days I try to squeeze in all my errands. I even pay my bills online to avoid driving around town to drop payments at the water department or the post office.

I put it off on the economy. Fuel prices are ridiculous, and with three drivers on our gas cards, my monthly payable is more than my mortgage. My weekly photo hikes are closer to home, and I may have to cut back to bi-weekly or monthly.

Laziness is another of my excuses. I don’t want to go through all the trouble of showering, drying my hair, then dressing in something other than the same pjs I’ve worn for the past three days. It’s too much effort, I say. When in fact, I simply don’t see the point.

When I pair the two, the economy and my laziness, I crack jokes about baking homemade burger buns or pie crusts. I’d rather spend three hours preparing yeast dough, than jump in my car and drive two miles to the store for a loaf of bread. All because I don’t want to bother looking and feeling socially acceptable.

It’s not that I’m afraid to leave my house, or be in public. I’m not agoraphobic. I like going out with my family and friends, and when I take the time, I clean up nice. I don’t know what it is, but in the main, I would rather just stay home.

24 thoughts on “Hermit pie

  1. I’m going through exactly the same thing, and it’s funny how easily people jump to a ‘fear’ conclusion. Nope, I love the outdoors, and I’ve no fear of people or cars or wild hottentots running amok in the street. It’s just very easy for me to pass days around my home without even necessarily realizing how many hours have gone by. I prefer ‘homebody’ over hermit 🙂


  2. Well, right now, I wear spit up like nobody’s business and I prefer to stay home and not be judged by it or worry about not having make-up or having to take 2 hours to get everything ready for the baby before even considering how I look before going somewhere… so I’m happy to be hermit bound for a while!


  3. I, too, enjoy being at home and would be quite content to be a hermit. Nice to know someone else feels the same! At least you bake, cook and such, I just sit around and veg out (when all the chores are done).


  4. I loved this post! I could stay in my jammies for days, if left unattended…although, I do thrive on connecting with people and animals. It’s always a treat for me to read your posts! Thanks for sharing!


    1. At least, that’s what my family tells me. My son still likes being the one to check the mail, especially since he is the one who is sent the most fun stuff. I mostly get bills.


  5. My husband is the same way. I am back and forth. Last weekend we stayed home pretty much all weekend and I wore pajamas and vegged out. I enjoyed every minute of it. But some weekends I get cabin fever and just HAVE to get out and do something. If I don’t, I get depressed.


    1. I think that is why getting out once a week for my photo hikes is so important. Even though I don’t typically see anyone or invite anyone to join me, just being outside my house is crucial.


  6. I could relate to your post and needed hear it ~ I have been behaving in similar way realized I love my home and really want to ‘keep my life simple and doable’ ~ Great photography and so glad your post seem that you are happy with your life ~ Enjoy ~ Thanks ^_^


  7. What about your photo hikes? That’s an outing, isn’t it? Or it doesn’t count because you’re not around other humans, but exclusively the nature.

    I force myself to go out everyday (beyond the paddle board rides), even if all I do is walk to the marina building and write in the lounge. The AC is a major draw. It’s really for my computer, otherwise it does tend to over-heat.

    I really did just come here to tell you how much I love pie.


    1. When I go on my hikes, I dress for comfort. By the end, I’m drenched in sweat, dirt, sunscreen and bug spray. I tie my hair back in a ponytail and cram it under a ball cap. Other people are the last thing I want to encounter.

      I love pie too.


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