100 Word Challenge: Lizard

Before – Midway

I have a small garden in front of my house. Nothing spectacular… some flowering plants, some succulents, some herbs for cooking. Just a little something to keep me occupied.

Being that I like pretty things, and my son likes to give me appropriate gifts, a while back he got me some outdoor garden art.

Think: gnomes.

But, my son also knows I’m not a gnome type of person, so he got me instead… a Godzilla munching on some garden gnomes. It was spectacular!

Flash forward a few years and my rampaging monster lizard has seen better days. Son steps in again to help me resurrect the lizard. Using outdoor texture paint, Zilla is now a reptilian green standing on a mound of brown earth.

I have begun the task of repainting the munched-upon gnomes. I’m not giving up my day job, but I’m satisfied with the results so far.

The little lizard snacks need some fleshing out – skin tone paint – and Zilla needs his eyes (yellow/orange/red with a white pupil) done and his dorsal fins (a purplish-pink) painted.

I did do my research, so I’m fairly confident in the color scheme.

The first coat of paint on the gnomes is almost done. I’m devoting the rest of the week to finishing the lizard details.

A couple coats of outdoor sealer after I’m finished and Godzilla, in all his gnome-munching glory, will return to his rightful place guarding my flowers and cactuses.

“Why does the lizard stick his tongue out? The lizard sticks its tongue out because that’s the way its listening and looking and tasting its environment. It’s its means of appreciating what’s in front of it.” William Shatner

This week’s word is:


What to do:

Using “lizard” for inspiration, write 100 Words – 100 exactly – no more, no less. You can either use the word – or any form of the word – as one of your 100, or it can be implied. Include a link in your post back here, and add your story to the Mister Linky list. If you don’t have a blog, you can leave your submission in the comment section, or as a Facebook status post. Remember to keep spreading the love with supportive comments for your fellow Wordsters.

8 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge: Lizard

  1. I’m going to have fun with this prompt — almost as much as you seem to be having in painting ‘Zilla!

    Merv came back to the Midwestern US with me after having been “born” of a Canadian stonemason in Ontario. He’s not your average garden variety, quite perverted if you ask me. He was the original travelling gnomey who’s now my homey!

    Liked by 1 person

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