100 Word Challenge: Demon


Recently I purchased a Tibetan Spinning Meditation Ring. I have my doubts that it is actually from Tibet (it shipped from Port Charlotte, FL) and doubts on whether having it will mystically make meditation meaningful for me (I can’t seem to make my brain shut down long enough to think about ‘nothing’) but it’s a very cool piece of jewelry and it gives me something to fidget with when I get twitchy.

It’s sterling silver and has a brass inner ring that turns… hence the “spinning” part. (not that the wearer spins while meditating, that would be weird.)

I’ve attempted meditation on occasion, but I just can’t figure out how to do it properly. Seriously, how do you turn off your brain? How do you achieve silence, how do you find that inner peace?

There is a constant loop of conversations in my mind, and not all of them involve me. The closest I’ve come is when I’m out for a long walk or photo hike. Even then, the conversations continue, only now they all do include me.

About the only thing I’ve found that stills the voices, or at least get them under control, is writing. If I can get the words out, down on paper, or across my computer screen, then I can relax.

It’s like a kind of quiet exorcism. I don’t listen to music when I write. I turn off the television, I even turn off the sound on my phone and laptop. The only sounds are the voices.

The stories they tell often bubble up from some forgotten memory. Sometimes they are those “could’ves” and “whatifs,” those missed opportunities that can play out in the way I hoped they would. Most times, the voices are simply telling me an outlandish fable, and daring me to capture it.

Maybe writing is my meditation… whatever helps soothe the soul.

“If I got rid of my demons, I’d lose my angels.” ~ Tennessee Williams

This week’s word is:


Using “demon” for inspiration, write 100 Words – 100 exactly – no more, no less. You can either use the word – or any form of the word – as one of your 100, or it can be implied. Include a link in your post back here, and add your story to the Mister Linky list. If you don’t have a blog, you can leave your submission in the comment section, or as a Facebook status post. Remember to keep spreading the love with supportive comments for your fellow wordsters.

8 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge: Demon

  1. Do not focus on stopping your thoughts, stopping thoughts with thoughts is like trying to bite your own teeth. Instead, allow your thoughts to go on as they please, paying them as much attention as you do birds singing outside your window.


  2. Pingback: fly, demons, fly |
  3. I accidentally put my link in Mr. Linky twice, and I think that’s against the rules (I did it in two places, but only meant to post one, but I forgot). I’m sorry!


    This prompt really got me thinking on interesting ways I could use “demon” that wouldn’t seem cliche or overwrought. I hope I did alright.

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