A case is just a case

violin and casse

Sometimes a violin case is just a violin case.

It’s not a holster for a machine gun, lying in wait to be brought out to mow down gangsters and rival thugs.

It’s not a spy’s valise, carrying government secrets that if they fall into the wrong hands could topple kings and presidents.

It’s not a treasure chest, a safe place to conceal magnificent riches, hidden away from those who seek to steal your diamonds and gold.

Sometimes, it’s merely a leather attaché, lined with plush blue velvet and silk to tenderly cushion a delicate and prized musical instrument.

wordpress button grunge
Submitted to Weekly Photo Challenge. The theme was to, “share your own vision of a container you find interesting.”

13 thoughts on “A case is just a case

  1. what a gorgeous picture and what a way to describe “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Sometimes things are just what they seem and sometimes they are not…look closely.


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