Everywhere a sign

painted road arrow

No signs or maps, no GPS electronic voice guiding me through backroads and highways. Moving along tentatively, one step, one inch at a time. Hoping the path I choose is the right one.

The Trifextra challenge this weekend is: a 33-word free write

28 thoughts on “Everywhere a sign

  1. I’m beginning to think the right road is the most interesting one, But maybe that’s just resignation talking.
    Great 33 Tara!


  2. I am an odd sort of duck…because I like to read directions Once or go somewhere once and then try to get there again on memory, but i will put the GPS up (We have ones for both of our cars) to see what time I SHOULD arrive.

    my mom told me when I was young that I always BOTH, never one or the other, always AND. Seems I have taken that into adulthood. 🙂


  3. I’ve got writing on the brain (duh, don’t we all?) – this is how I feel with every piece I start, wondering where it’s going to go, and how I’m going to get there. Great job capturing that.


  4. Tara, this reminds me of the family reunion I attended last weekend. The area we met at was in the bottom of a small bowl canyon. Absolutely no cell reception and it was HEAVEN.


  5. Tara-I have no sense of direction when it comes to traveling. I practically get lost going around the block. And as for the metaphorical sense of direction, I often feel like I’m still trying to find the right path, if there even is such a thing. I loved this piece!


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