Week 18: A different eye

Whenever I go on my weekly photo hikes, I go for a very specific reason… to take photos. I may not have the location mapped out before I leave home, or have a plan for what photos I want to take, but for those few hours my sole focus is taking pictures.

For this 365 Project, the photography is more of an afterthought. I capture these images during shopping errands, while on morning walks or bike rides, or puttering around my house. Because there is a deadline, a finite window of time, I often scramble to get that one shot for the day.

I am more likely to take photos of bizarre, random things for my 365 Project than I am for my portfolio. This project is forcing me to look harder for that interesting image, take that shot I probably would pass by on a dedicated photo hike.

It’s making me look at my surroundings with a different eye… maybe this was the whole purpose all along.


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