Career planning


Jack played an endless game of musical chairs with his career choices. One day he wanted to be a charter boat captain, the next a clown.

Living by the marina got him near boats, and living in Sarasota gave him an in at the Ringling Bros. Clown College, so either was a viable option.

The question was did he really want to work as a bartender more, or maybe a dog walker. Astronauts and archaeologists got to travel, but then again a shortstop got to play baseball every day.

Right now, he was hungry, and hoped mom made grilled cheese.

Inspiration Monday icon
Inspiration: Musical Chair

10 thoughts on “Career planning

  1. Aww so sweet. Dream widely, Jack!

    Reminds me of the movie Bob the Butler, about a guy who couldn’t figure out what he wanted to do, so he just tried out jobs he picked out of the phone book. In order. Really cute movie. Jack would make a good Bob. : )

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, he’s not the only one confused! When I was younger I used to worry my parents by declaring I wanted to be a dolphin whisperer one day and then a street musician the next. I see the same now with my baby cousin, too. Adorable little story.

    Liked by 1 person

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