Nothing but blue skies

Gulf Coast beach

Perusing my photo library for something to include in my Giving Thanks posts, I looked back to this time last year. It’s been raining here since Friday. Forecasts call for sunny skies the remainder of the week, much like it was last Thanksgiving.

This is more like how the weather is supposed to be in Florida in November. Bright blue skies, warm sand beaches, and crystal clear seas.

I’m grateful for:

  1. Miles of empty coastline
  2. Warm, emerald green Gulf water
  3. Cloudless azure skies
  4. Hanging at the beach on Thanksgiving

365 Days of Grace


5 thoughts on “Nothing but blue skies

  1. AMEN. I will be seeing a Florida beach–though not anywhere near you, wahhh–very soon. Can’t wait. Please tell Mother Nature she needs to get on the horn and make it pretty for me.


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