The only obstacle is me

resolve, determine, intention

res·o·lu·tion  noun [rez-uh-loo-shuhn] 2. a resolve or determination

In a few days we will be turning over the calendar to a new year. During 2012, I will turn 50. I’m not exactly sure how I feel about that. There are still so many things I want to accomplish, places I want to visit.

I’m not making any resolutions… that never works for me. I do have goals and want to work on those. I just have to put my mind to it, and do it.

Nothing I want to do is unattainable. The only obstacle to achieving them is me.

“Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it.”

~ Rene Descartes

8 thoughts on “The only obstacle is me

  1. I have goals. The book is a huge one, of course. I’m not writing them down or blogging them or tweeting them. IN fact, I’m passing on Jana’s guns, blood, thorns and roses meme thing this year.

    I;m excited about you turning 50. Mostly because you’re older than me.

    I’m so glad we solidified our friendship this year. Maybe 2012 will be the eyar your family and I meet somehow, someway.

    Thanks for the reading my crap, being supportive, and just being a bright light on my twitter, blog, and email.

    You’re agood perosn, Tar rah


  2. You are right. The only obstacle is yourself. (And I think this is true for all of us.) Time and age are definitely not obstacles. You have so much time to do everything you want to do. Being 50 (or 60 or 70) is not is not going to stop you.

    I recently read a quote by a screenwriter named Dudley Nichols that really resonated. He said, “Fear is the highest fence.” I think it’s my new mantra.


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