Breaking a sweat

… and I was doing so well.

Back in the spring, I started working on me. Began eating better, started walking. Then after a couple of months, I ramped it up a bit and dusted off my old bike. I did okay. I could ride over 11 miles in an hour. I dropped close to 20 pounds… then hit a wall. A hot, humid summer wall.

Even when I got up and going early, by the time I got out the door temps were already well into the 90s and the air was so moisture saturated any breath in my lungs was quickly sucked out through my pores. With it came the sweat.

There is nothing girly about me when I’m exercising. There is no delicate sheen of misty perspiration. I don’t glisten, I sweat like a P.I.G. and I like it.

It doesn’t feel like I’m accomplishing anything if I can’t wring out my clothes when I’m done. But, I haven’t been out for a ride in almost two weeks, and my jeans’ waistbands feel it.

Lately, mornings have been fairly cool… if you consider low 80s cool. I want to lose another 10 pounds by my birthday, that’s about five weeks away. I can reach that goal, I just need to get back to it.

I need to work a little harder, hit the hills more, gear up, and not quit.

I’m gonna need to sweat.

Day 8 – 30 Days of Shamelessness: sweat

8 thoughts on “Breaking a sweat

  1. I hear you. I completely ditched my exercise routine the moment it got hot here, which is probably nothing compared to FL heat.

    School starts full-time next week and I’ll be back on the track and in the gym.

    Also? 20 lbs. … Incredible!


  2. I think sweaty women are SO hot – and not in the “Gee, it’s warm out here” hot, but in the “Damn, momma, you is HAWT” hot. The kind that gets stuff percolating. Sort of. Bad pun, huh?


  3. i think that goal is totally do able. the heat here has been ridiculously out of control up until recently. i was grateful to have water aerobics classes to do indoors instead of sweating all gross like outside. but now, it’s time to get back into the morning walk routine. we can do it together 🙂


  4. I started working out again about 2 weeks ago, going to the gym. I used to work out after work, but it’s so hot and humid that I don’t have the energy in the afternoon. Even though I’m NOT a morning person, I’m getting up early to exercise 🙂


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