Patchwork skies

storm clouds and pier

The sun melts away the dark clouds, revealing bright blue skies above the gloom. When it looks the bleakest, seek out the light.

Submitted to Skywatch Friday, Season 6: Episode 31

*Photo venue: fishing pier near Choctaw Beach, FL

16 thoughts on “Patchwork skies

  1. Very well seen and photographed!! You have a nice strong foreground to balance the awesome sky; the pier takes you deep into the image; in fact, to the land across the water. Interestingly, the foreground, pier, land and back again creates a circle that keeps your attention in the scene. I’d also say that HDR was well applied to this. Final note, the white portion through the posts of the pier is a little distracting; so, a little burn here might improve an already wonderful shot. Cheers.


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