A light for all the world


Her beatific countenance shone down upon us, bathing all in her love and warmth. Arms spread, her acceptance offered with no conditions. Her smile as open and inviting as a mother’s embrace.

A hymn of celebration filled the air, her exultant voice melding with the seraphim and cherubim. One song for the innocent and pure, for the lost and sick, for the faithful and the searching.

A celestial choir raising a joyful noise to the heavens, an orchestra of ethereal instruments accompanying their concert of rejoicing.

A child is born this night, a light for all the world to behold.

The 100 Word Challenge theme this week is ‘Countenance

4 thoughts on “A light for all the world

  1. Christ is the reason.. And this is so perfect, so timely. I remember learning the first time I heard and found out what countenance means.. I love that word. John offers tells me that my countenance is lovely.. Such an old word for today.

    I felt the spirit.. The miracle.. This was beautiful my friend.


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