Red door

Every day I had a hundred dialogues going on in my head. They quietly spilt from my mouth as I played out scenes in my kitchen over a sink filled with soapy water and dirty dishes.

Neighbors whispered about the walker who talked to herself, gesturing with her hands while making a point to her imaginary friends.

Behind closed doors, I began to hide these words in notebooks rather than letting them loose in the wind. I wrapped up characters in ink and paper, hoarding them in teetering piles in obscure places.

Is it time to throw open the doors?

The 100 Word Challenge, a writing prompt created by Velvet Verbosity, takes a single theme to tell a story in only 100 words ~ no more, no less. This week’s theme, in recognition of National Novel Writing Month, is ‘Writing.’

11 thoughts on “Red door

  1. I love this image: “wrapped up characters in ink and paper,…” almost as if the characters need to be captured and kept hidden behind the red door, so that they do not run around aimless and without direction, until such time that they are ready to be unleashed… 🙂 Beautiful & very appealing!


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